How-to guide

How to install

The latest release of Sparspak can be installed from the Julia REPL prompt with

julia> ]add Sparspak

The closing square bracket switches to the package manager interface and the add commands installs Sparspak and any missing dependencies. To return to the Julia REPL hit the delete key.

How to solve a random problem

This code makes up a random-coefficient (but diagonally dominant) sparse matrix and a simple right hand side vector. The sparse linear algebraic equation problem is then solved with the LU factorization. The solution is tested against the solution with the built-in solver.

using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
using Sparspak.Problem: Problem, insparse!, outsparse, infullrhs!
using Sparspak.SparseSolver: SparseSolver, solve!

function _test()
    n = 1357
    A = sprand(n, n, 1/n)
    A = -A - A' + 20 * LinearAlgebra.I
    p = Problem(n, n)
    insparse!(p, A);
    infullrhs!(p, 1:n);
    s = SparseSolver(p)
    A = outsparse(p)
    x = A \ p.rhs
    @show norm(p.x - x) / norm(x) 

    return true


For more details see the file test/test_sparse_method.jl, module msprs016.

How to improve performance

Use MKL:

using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
using MKL # <------------- Notice we put this before referencing Sparspak
using Sparspak.Problem: Problem, insparse!, outsparse, infullrhs!
using Sparspak.SparseSolver: SparseSolver, solve!

function _test()
    n = 1357
    A = sprand(n, n, 1/n)
    A = -A - A' + 20 * LinearAlgebra.I
    p = Problem(n, n)
    insparse!(p, A);
    infullrhs!(p, 1:n);
    s = SparseSolver(p)
    A = outsparse(p)
    x = A \ p.rhs
    @show norm(p.x - x) / norm(x) 

    return true
